I miss Autumn.
The one tree in India that changes colors
There are also some questions that I ask myself on the reg:
- How short of a distance is too short to ask a rickshaw to take you without them judging you for being a lazy?
- How on EARTH did a piece of actual feces get into Martha Allen's food at the dining establishment that we (used to) frequent on the daily? ACTUAL. FECES.
- Which is really more sanitary? Toilet paper or a bidet?
- Should I begin transcribing my interviews or should I watch the two episodes of 30 Rock I have saved on my computer?
- What should I wear that will dry quickly from my sweat, stretch enough for yoga, and adhere to Indian standards of modesty while still looking stylish? Oh, nothing? Running leggings and a tshirt it is.
- When can I next eat nutella toast?
Ama says its not poo, its curry. Sometimes, indian food is like that.