Monday, August 27, 2012

Aug 28th: Back sweat

 At a temple. I included this picture so you can see my face. Evidence that I am alive.
 So artistic. 
In a tree. Before Helen freaked out that there were snakes in the tree and made me jump down.

Today I walked to school wearing a head scarf, like many of the women here do to block themselves from pollution/men. This was the first time that people didn't stare at my constantly. It was cool finally being able to feel anonymous. 

Also, the next time I travel abroad, I'm bringing my body pillow. 


  1. ...yeah, about that... I may have comendeered your body pillow for the time being...

  2. Can't believe you WANTED to wear a head scarf to cover you! Things are different there. What stays the same is that Cori is in a tree. Glad there is evidence you are alive.
